Abhyas Somatics: Teacher’s Training Course (Online) conducted by Navtej Johar

Abhyas Somatics practice, devised by Navtej Johar, is found on the reciprocal relationship between the word and the body. Its twin aims are sukha(pleasurable repose) and rasa (poetic resonance), inspired by the schools of Yoga and Indian Poetics respectively.

Viewing imagination as a rich, nurturing and an equally real corollary to reality, the practice entails an unhurried witnessing of the ever-present sensory murmurings within the body. The practice considers these involuntary murmurings to be the repositories of embedded appetites, shapes, patterns, even narratives that may inform our instincts to move and act. A deeply comforting practice, it is designed to foster ease at both the level of the body and imagination in order to a) become sensorially available to suggestion, and b) imagine in a more unselfconscious and uncensored manner.  It challenges the idea of pure objectivity, which necessarily requires detached-observation; however, detachment cannot be self-willed, it may be obtained only within the satiated state of sensory-immersion, which, paradoxically, is deeply subjective.

Language plays a pivotal role in this practice. It not only evokes images, but also offers reminders and permissions to further embrace the abstract. Finally, Abhyas Somatics is a sensorial body-mind practice that promises to usher a deep sense of wellbeing through guided orchestrations of deep-rest,trust, containment, carefreeness and courage.

The course will be equally divided between theory and practice; and will require reflection, experimentation and creative expression.

The theory component of this course will include a close reading of IswaraPratibhijna Karika by Utpaladeva, the sixth chapter, Rasaadhyahya, of the Natya Shastra, and a variety of modern writers like Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Sundar Sarukkai, Arindam Chakrabarty and more. One module will be devoted to the reading and practice of visualizations from the VijnanaBhairava Tantra.

The initial practice sessions will offer a systematic buildup of the Abhyas Somatics method and twin it with abhinaya, journaling and finally creative writing, in both word and image, for the purpose of re-narrativizing and re-patterning our internal blueprints.

Learn More about Abhyas Somatics here

What do we offer?

  1. Technique & Training
  2. Texts related to embodied practice
  3. Teaching Methodology and Language
  4. History and critique of embodied practices

Who can join?

This course is designed to offer an in­depth understanding of somatic practice; facilitate the recognition of reciprocitybetween the body and word (or image), shape and narrative, including methods to orchestrate healing aftereffectsthrough reposeful absorption. Prior experience in somatic work is not necessary. All are welcome.

The weekly lectures and practice sessions in Abhyas Somatics, as well as the workshops and retreats spread throughout the year, can also be attended independent of the Teacher’s Training Course.


The one year course will be divided into four modules. Each module will run for 10-weeks, with a week off in between.

We will meet twice a week online for one session each in theory and practice. We will hold two offline retreats in the course of the year for the participants to meet and practice in person. There will also be 4 online weekend workshops throughout the year.

Module 1

February 18, 2025 to April 22, 2025
Practice: Introduction to the Abhyas Somatics Method

February 21, 2025 to April 25, 2025

study of select chapters of the Isvara Pratyabhijna Karika by Utpaladeva, a 10th century text of Kashmir Shaivism: a monistic philosophy that takes the discussion on matter versus consciousness to another level by playing with manifested dualities of subject//object, time/space, signifier/signified to eventually foreground the light (prakasha) within Consciousness.   

Module 2

April 29, 2025 to July 1, 2025

Abhyas Somatics and Abhinaya
This module will somatically facilitate reciprocity between the real and the imaginary; the body, word and image, for the purposes of evoking resonance, tasting aesthetic delicacy and most importantly developing awareness.   

May 2, 2025 to July 4, 2025

Rasa-adhyaya, the 6th chapter of  Bharat Muni’s  Natya Shastra, a 2nd century text on dramaturgy and poetics that offers methodologies of orchestrating an impersonal and universal aesthetic experience through poetry and the performing arts.            

Summer Retreat (Offline): July 7 to 14, 2025

Module 3
August 5, 2025 to October 14, 2025
Practice: Abhyas Somatics with special focus on the role of imagery in   orchestrating repose and sukha to foster an experience of containment and healing. 

August 1, 2025 to October 10, 2025
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra - a 7th century text that offers a series of dharanas or visualizations as a practice to sensorially embody and abide in the imaginary.

Module 4

October 21, 2025 to December 23, 2025
Establishing contiguity between word, image, sensation and silence by facilitated practice of synching speech with the fleeting abstractions of sensory experience. 

October 17, 2025 to December 19, 2025
Theory: Modern Writings on the body, somatics, politics, poetics, with their critique.

Participants will be encouraged to create an expressive work in dance, art, performance, sound, poetry etc. based on the somatic practice, conversations and journaling through the year.  

Winter Retreat (Offline) - January 11 to 16, 2026

Two classes per week:
Tuesday - Abhyas Somatics practice
Friday - Theory
Two one-week long retreats - July 2025 & January 2026

Fee Breakdown:

Fee for TTC participants: INR 130,000 (One lakh thirty thousand rupees including 18% GST)

Fee of individual modules for non-TTC participants: 
Isvara Pratyabhijna Karika  (10 weeks): INR 15,000
Natyashastra and Indian Poetics (10 weeks): INR 15,000
Vijnana Bhairava and Tantra (10 weeks): INR 15,000
Body in Modernity (10 weeks): INR 15,000
Offline Retreat (5 days each): INR 12,000 per retreat (this does not include hospitality)

10 week module of online Abhyas Somatics Practice : INR 12,000 per module
Online weekend workshops: INR 5,000 per workshop

All fees mentioned above includes 18% GST


Evaluation & Selection Criteria

  1. Class participation (Attendance)
  2. Journaling and weekly reflections
  3. Mid-Term paper – Short essay
  4. End-Term – Research paper based on reflections
  5. Presentation of a creative practice in front of peers (optional)

Participants will need to fulfil these requirements to receive the Teacher’s Training Course completion certificate.


Two classes per week:

Tuesday - Abhyas Somatics practice - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm IST
Friday - Theory - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm IST